Relationshiping 101 Masterclass

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This masterclass will help you obtain hope for better days and give you tools to more comfortably navigate your known and unknown fears, communicate your needs, forgive yourself and others and move on from past hurts while embracing your power to change.

Through this masterclass and additional 1:1 mentoring with Sarah Jones*, you’ll be empowered to overcome the underlying causes of the struggles in your relationships and know-how to comfortably navigate yourself and others by better understanding why we say, think, feel, and do what we do.

Are you wondering why I created this masterclass? Because I am asked by my friends for help navigating the frustrations in their single or married life all the time!

And that’s because I’ve learned to feel joy amidst my struggles and laughter despite my tears while innovating with light on the darkest days in my relationship. Today I am in a living, loving, breathing, and growing relationship with my best friend. I've learned a lot along the way, and I want to share that knowledge with others.

I’ve learned the greatest power in working with my husband though is better understanding myself.

For the first time, I’m teaching a select group of individuals how to build better relationships with themselves. So, they can create the healthy, love-filled, and intimate relationships they want, despite any inner or outward challenges they are faced with.

If you’re done struggling with feeling depressed, unhappy, or alone in your relationship, and you would like to be part of this masterclass, sign-up today!

What to expect:

Relationshiping 101 is a 3-day masterclass held live over Zoom with me, Sarah Jones. I'm going to be your Intuitive Living Guide, aka I'm going to help you tune in to understanding your fears, your faith, the power of your choice, and your intuition relating to your relationships. Each class will be recorded so you will have access to them if you're unable to attend live.


Thursday, July 21, 2022, from 6 pm MDT- 8 pm MDT

Tuesday, July 26, 2022, from 6 pm MDT- 8 pm MDT

Thursday, July 28, 2022, from 6 pm MDT- 8 pm MDT

In each class, I will guide a personalized discussion about a specific topic (details below) relating to the group's current needs. I'll also answer any questions you may have about the varied topics we discuss.

The class topics are:

Class One - Learn to Flow: Know the difference between forcing change vs. choosing to change within yourself and your relationships

Class Two - Learn to Let Go: Understand why honest acknowledgment of our failures, aka "owning our crap", frees us from unrealistic expectations, limiting beliefs, and shame.

Class Three - Learn to Love: Be able to see others and ourselves for who we are, and the true power of forgiveness, grace, and compassion for all.

*With this masterclass you will also receive two 1:1 Intuitive Living sessions with me, one 30 min Release Inherited Baggage session, and one 60 min Mentoring session (a $375 value). These highly personalized sessions are necessary to help you feel and understand more so you can heal and create more in your life. I'll help you gain insight on how to implement new thought processes and behaviors so you can change the trajectory of your life to help you on your path to more abundance and joy.

I hope to see you there.



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Access to the Live Relationshiping 101 Masterclass (spanning 3 evenings and totaling 6+hours of life changing insights), recordings of each class to watch again, a 1:1 30min Release Inherited Baggage session, and a 1:1 60 min Mentoring session

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Relationshiping 101 Masterclass

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